Types of Warehouse Storage Racks

When searching for storage racks for warehousing facilities, you are bound to find a number of types. Hence, choosing the right rack may not be very easy. The best way to do this is to look at the features, pros, and cons of each rack, and choose the one that meets your requirements.


Types of Warehouse Racking Systems

The list of racks given below are the most popular types chosen by warehousing facilities.

  • Pallet Racks: This is the most common rack used in warehouses. These racks consist of bays with multiple shelves or levels. The advantage of this system is that it can be designed as Last In First Out (LIFO) or First In First Out (FIFO) The user has accessibility to all pallets. Also they are not extremely expensive.

  • Cantilever Racks: These systems are designed to store heavy weight items or materials, such as lumber, piping, or tubing. The design also allows the use of forklifts to store and remove heavy items, which cannot be removed by hand. However, cantilever racks are not efficient in terms of space usage.

  • Sheet Metal Racks: Warehouses that specialize in bulk storage use sheet metal racks. They are cost-effective in terms of investment, and they are ideal for storing multiple items similar to pallets. They are perfect when it comes to low roofing warehouses. However, sheet metal racks are not optimized for space, and there is a possibility of the pallets collapsing.

  • Carton Flow Racks: This rack comprises shelves that move on a bed of rollers. The roller wheel tracks are designed at an angle. So, when the time comes for a product to be removed from the rack, gravity can be used to pass the carton from one rack to another. These racks are ideal for inventory management. Their designs also help in increasing employee productivity. However, carton flow racks are designed only as FIFO systems, and are inappropriate for warehouses with LIFO requirements.

These are the primary types of warehouse storage rack systems. Meet with a rack manufacturer and enquire about these systems. Find out more about the prices, after sales services, etc. Combining this information will help you find the right storage rack for your facility.

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